Today will be a fun, relaxing day. Even though we have projects planned, they will have to wait until later. Friends, Ed and Marsha arrived late morning. The weather was perfect, bright sunny sky and a light breeze. So we headed out for a cruise around Fisher's Island Sound. We had an enjoyable ride, Ed even took over the steering for a time! We all decided it was time for lunch, and wanted to try out Lynda's birthday present, the new anchor! We dropped anchor behind Ram Island which is just south of the mouth of the Mystic River. The anchor performed great, and it set immediately. We relaxed and enjoyed each other's company and then it was time to head back to the dock. For dinner, we all went to Abbott's Lobster in the Rough, which is a popular, well-known restaurant right on the Mystic River. After dinner, Ed and Marsha headed home and we went back to the boat.
I had such grandios plans for the dogs to use the Potty Patch on board!
Ed and Marsha enjoying the day
Dinner at Abbott's with Ed and Marsha
Sunday June 20, 2010
While tonight's dinner, spaghetti with meat sauce, cooked in the crock pot, Bob and Lynda tackled washing the boat to get the salt off from yesterdays voyage. Later in the day we all (Bob & Lynda and the dogs, Tucker Willow) went for a dinghy ride up the Mystic River. It was really warm, so it was nice to be out in the dinghy to cool off. Longtime friends, Jack and Carol came for dinner. They have a Marine Trader trawler named "Irish Rover" that is also at our marina. Jack will be retiring around the same time as Lynda next year and he and Carol plan to head south down the intercoastal and spend the winter in Florida. Maybe we will meet up with them when we get to Florida on our Loop trip! They came for dinner and enjoyed the spaghetti with meat sauce and a yummy chocolate "Earthquake Cake" Lynda had made for dessert.
Sunset on the Mystic River
Monday June 21, 2010
If we are going to get our projects done, then we better get going today! First, we needed to install a shelf in the cabinet for the crock pot. Bob had to do some fancy woodworking to modify the pre-made shelf that we had purchased, but it is installed and is perfect! We hope to use the crock pot on our Loop trip. We'll start dinner in the morning and then after a long day of travel, a nice hot meal will be ready when we arrive.
Now it is time to tackle the TV satellite dish installation. This dish differs from a home dish in that a home dish is stationery. The dish for the boat has a mechanism that locks onto the signal and stays locked on the signal while the boat is under way. You can even watch TV while the boat is moving. Of course, you need to pay attention to the water and the course, but guests could watch the TV while under way! So far, so good, we were able to mount the dish on the dinghy davit crossbar without too much trouble. The next step will be to run the antennae wire and install the receiver inside the boat. That will be a project for another weekend because we have worked hard and long enough on this beautiful first day of the summer. Usually we pack up and head home late afternoon on Monday, but it had been such a beautiful day we did not want it to end, so we decided to stay the night and leave early in the morning so Lynda can go to work and Bob can play golf??!! Something doesn't seem right with this scenario. Oh well, only 356 more days for Lynda to work, but whose counting!!!
TV Satellite Dish installed
Tonight's Sunset
Tuesday June 22, 2010
The alarm went off early, 5 AM, but it was worth getting up so early when we were treated to this most glorious sunrise!! Well, now it's off to work until Friday, when I can return to the boat.
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