Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Grand Haven, MI to Saugatuck, MI

Date             September 6, 2011

Day               70
Departure     Grand Isle Marina, MI   9:50 am
Arrival          Saugatuck Yacht Service, MI 1:30 pm
Miles               28.9 
Cumulative   1465.2
NOTE: For a larger view of each picture, click on the picture, then click again for an even larger view!

The weather report for today was for winds from the north 10 to 15 and the waves were 2 to 4 feet.  The forecast for the next few days is not favorable at all.  Either we try to move today, or we will be staying in Grand Haven for a few more days.  After all, if it is really all that bad, we can always turn around!  Decision made, we cast off our lines just before 10 am and headed out.  As it turned out, this was the best decision!  The wind was from the north which caused a gentle roll as waves of two feet or less pushed us forward as they hit the stern.  It was a rather comfortable, enjoyable day.

After arriving, we took a walk into town and found three more loopers, NautiNell, Last Dance and Ookpik anchored upriver from us.  If the weather is as predicted, we may be here for a few days.
Erika Lin at the dock of Saugatuck Yacht Services

A paddle wheel sightseeing boat

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