Monday, September 05, 2011

Just a Short Hop Up The River!

Date             September 3 to September 5, 2011

Day               67 to 69
Departure     Grand Haven Municipal Marina, MI  10:40 am
Arrival          Grand Isle Marina, MI   11:05 am
Miles                 1.5 
Cumulative   1436.3
NOTE: For a larger view of each picture, click on the picture, then click again for an even larger view!

On Saturday morning we walked to the local farmer's market.  A severe wind and rain storm arrived as we were leaving the market.  We were drenched by the time we got back to the boat!  After a quick change of clothes and a short wait, the rain stopped and the wind let up.  We are scheduled to leave this marina today and move upriver to Grand Isle Marina.  Since it was extremely rough in the area we were docked, we rocked and rolled continuously, we were glad to move to calmer waters.  So we cast off our lines and moved up river!  Not a long trip but a much needed break from the wave surge we experienced in the municipal marina.  Last Dance is at this marina and they have a rental car.  They offered a trip to Wal-Mart and the grocery store, so off Lynda went while Bob got things situated at the dock.  One slip down from us is a couple that will be starting the loop on Wednesday, Blue Line.  We spent some time in the afternoon talking with them, answering their "looping" questions.  Funny how now we are the "experts" when only a short time ago, we were asking all the same questions they had!!
On Sunday, our longtime friends, Paul and Kathy arrived.  They live in Howell, MI and drove here to visit us.  We haven't seen them in almost three years.  They took us out to the dunes at P. J. Hoffmaster State Park and then to the beach at the entrance to the channel in Muskegon. We had a great time climbing the dunes at the state park and watching the kite surfing at the beach.
Bob, Lynda, Kathy, Paul at the dunes
Paul and Bob walking the beach (notice the waves rolling in!)
Lynda and Bob in the dunes
Paul being a kid on the rope swing!
Kathy and Bob coming down the dunes
Kite surfing in Muskegon
We all had a great dinner in Grand Haven, took a walk along the boardwalk and enjoyed an after-dinner ice cream.  Paul and Kathy decided to stay the night with us so we had a marathon session of Mexican Train Dominoes and then off to bed.  Before they left in the morning, Kathy gave Bob a MUCH needed haircut!!  Good-bye Paul and Kathy, thanks so much for the terrific company, maybe we will see you in October at Joe Wheeler State Park and hopefully we can get together November 2012 for another BVI sailing vacation!!
The barbershop!

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