Sunday, September 11, 2011

Still in St.Joseph, MI

Date             September 8-10, 2011

Day               72-74
Departure    No travel today
Arrival         West Basin Marina, St Joseph, MI
Cumulative   1506.9
NOTE: For a larger view of each picture, click on the picture, then click again for an even larger view!

Thursday was a rainy day.  Lynda took care of some grocery shopping and Bob went to Wolf's Marine, a large marine supply store.  Friday Bob changed the oil and fuel filter on the generator while Lynda updated financial information.  After lunch, we took a bike ride into town for some sightseeing.  St. Joseph, Michigan has more than 30 animals decorated by regional artists on display. It's all part of their Art on the Bluff event they do every year in downtown. This year's theme is Barnyard Animals. Then, on Saturday, September 10th, they auction off the animals.  Fortunately, we went into town before they took them away!
There is an old carousel in town that is still in operation.
The small bowl on the left is a water fountain for dogs!
Saturday, a freighter came into the harbor and docked right outside the marina.  Bob identified it as the Alpena.  He was very excited to be able to see the ship up close!

Later that morning, both Bob and Lynda went back to Wolf's Marine and purchased a cushion for the Admiral's seat on the flybridge, along with some other items for the boat.  When we returned, Lynda gave the boat a much needed washdown, this time with soap   To top off the evening, the Alpena left the dock and backed down the river out into Lake Michigan.
The weather for tomorrow is forecasted to be light winds and waves less than one foot.  With any luck, we will be able to leave and make our way on to Chicago!!

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