Monday, October 17, 2011

Cuba Landing Marina to Clifton Marina

Date             October 16, 2011
Day               110
Departure       Cuba Landing Marina, Waverly, TN 8:10 am
Arrival           Clifton Marina, Clifton, Tn   1:50 pm 
Miles                43.0  
Cumulative   2627.6

Last night was the first night we had both the salon and stateroom heaters on all night.  It was a bit chilly!  This morning we really didn't have fog, it was more like smoke on the water!  This picture was taken fairly early when we got up to take the dogs out.
As the sun come up and warmed the air, the "smoke"dissipated and we were able to get under way.  

Some of the homes along the Tennessee River are rather unique.  You can't see the house in the middle of the picture too well (with the red roof) but it was round and was about four stories tall.  Click on the picture to enlarge for a better view.
This is Lady Finger Bluff, a limestone bluff capped with gnarled cedar and hardwood trees.  Legend has it that in pioneer days, a lady chose to leap to her death from this bluff rather than be caught by attacking Indians.
Notice the tall blue poles.  As the river rises, the docks can float up these poles.  It is amazing to think that the river can come anywhere near the top of these poles; that is an awful lot of water!

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