Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pebble Isle Marina to Cuba Landing Marina

Date             October 15, 2011
Day               109
Departure      Pebble Isle Marina, New Johnsonville, TN 8:55am
Arrival           Cuba Landing Marina, Waverly, TN 11:35 am 
Miles                20.0  
Cumulative   2584.6

After a leisurely morning, we got underway a little later than usual since we didn't have a long day planned.  The morning was clear and crisp, you can tell fall is on its way.  The pictures below show how the river has cut into steep hills and exposed folds of yellow rock tinged with orange.  This is the first evidence of what geologists call the Highland Rim, a large elevated and somewhat circular area that once covered most of central Tennessee.  Most of the center, being of softer stone, has eroded.   Only the harder rock remains; here we are passing through the western edge of the rim.

Being Saturday, we noticed more fishermen on the river than usual.  They can usually be seen along the edges of the river.  With their trolling motors they don't make a sound!
We arrived at our destination before noon and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon doing nothing in particular!  Later in the day, Last Chance crewed by Martin and Alison Ubbink arrived; we had last seen them in Nashville.

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