Friday, October 14, 2011

Still at Pebble Isle Marina

Date             October 14, 2011
Day               108
Departure      No travel today
Arrival           Pebble Isle Marina, New Johnsonville, TN

Miles                 0.0  
Cumulative   2564.6

A wonderful benefit of staying at this marina is that they provide FREE coffee AND cinnamon rolls every weekday morning.  Today is Friday, a weekday, so we took advantage of their offer.  When we got to the restaurant, we found they had also made a test batch of caramel pecan rolls and gave us a sample along with their regular cinnamon rolls.  Both were wonderful, warm and fresh! They also offer a courtesy car, so we put our name on the list to use the car from 2 to 4 pm.  In the meantime, we walked to the nearby Johnsonville Historic Park.  It includes the site of Old Johnsonville, Civil War fortifications trails and two cemeteries.  When the Kentucky Dam was built, Old Johnsonville was lost due to the flooding of the Tennessee River and the creation of Kentucky Lake.  After lunch we took the courtesy car to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items.  When we returned, one of the looper boats that is still here, Salt 'n Sand, invited us to happy hour on their boat with the folks from My Way (a gold looper).  We enjoyed good conversation and munchies, then went to dinner at the marina restaurant, with Rich and Carol from Salt 'n Sand.
Tomorrow we will continue on our way, up Kentucky Lake/Tennessee River; not sure where we will stop for the night.
Willow's favorite place to be - in the sun!

This boat sits on land at Pebble Isle Marina.  It was built by a man as his 'dream boat'.  He spent some time sailing it and unfortunately he passed away.  His wife inherited it, but abandoned it at the marina.  The marina staff has placed it at the entrance to their marina and have plans to restore the exterior and keep it in his memory.
A view of the Tennesse River from the Old Johnsonville Historic Park, high on a hill

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