Friday, October 21, 2011

J+J Marine to Joe Wheeler State Park Marina, Rogersville AL

Date             October 21, 2011
Day               115
Departure      J + J Marine, Muscle Shoals, AL 9:15 am
Arrival           Joe Wheeler State Park Marina  12:30 pm
Miles                17.0
Cumulative   2746.1

Again, we had to wait for the morning fog to clear.

Today will be a short travel day, but we do have one lock to do, the Wheeler Lock a short lift of only 48 feet compared to yesterday's 93 feet.  A group of eight loopers joined us on the way to Wheeler Lock, the "Florence Flotilla".  They all had spent the night at the Florence Harbor Marina and were traveling en masse to the next lock.
We had a full house in the Wheeler Lock.  There was a total of eleven boats in the lock.  One of the boats had to raft with another to avoid being left behind and having to wait for the next lock up!  Here we are, second from the right, in our slip at the AGLCA Rendezvous at Joe Wheeler State Park Marina.  These are just some of the boats that have arrived for the rendezvous.  It doesn't officially start until Sunday, so there are still some boats yet to arrive.
A quiet, peaceful setting as the sun has gone down.

1 comment:

  1. Bob And Lynda:
    I am an avid fan of the great loop blogs and have been reading several, trying to get glimpses of a particular boat that is traveling with you in the above pictures. The vessel name is My Way and it is a Cruisers Yachts 415. I have particular interest in that baot as I am a proud owner of the same vessel and am planning the loop with my wife when I retire from the US Marine Corps. If you have any contact info for them or know thier blog site etc. Please let me know via email at or 910-526-6296.
    Fair winds and good luck on rest of loop.
    Bob Fifer
    Captain M/V Sea U Lookin
