Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Kingston, NY to Coeymans Landing. NY

Day                 7
Depart             Kingston, NY 8:25 am
Arrive              Coeymans, NY 2:00 pm
Distance            55.1 Miles
Cumulative      269.9 Miles

 NOTE - Double click on a picture for a larger view

Another absolutely perfect day.  Clear blue sky, comfortable temperature while traveling and only little ripples in the river.  We still haven't seen much river traffic.  Only a couple of tows and not much private boat traffic.  We did have a minor scare, however.  We need to be extremely aware of the debris in the water and we have been.  Around Athens, NY we felt a vibration when the engine was revved a bit.  There was no evidence of any debris in the immediate vicinity and we hadn't felt a telltale "clunk".  Bob placed the boat in neutral and went below to ensure there was no sign of water leaking in.  He found nothing.  He then placed the engine slowly in reverse and then slowly in forward and increased the RPMs.  No vibration.  It had disappeared as quickly as it came.  We will continue to monitor, but there were no signs of the vibration the rest of the day.  Here are some interesting lighthouses we saw along the way.  Tonight we are docked at Coeymans Landing Marina (pronounced Queemans).  Tomorrow will be a big day as we will be going through our first lock in Troy!!
Lighthouse at the entrance to Kingston

Saugerties Lighthouse

Hudson-Athens Lighthouse

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